Wednesday 4 April 2012

Hovercraft of Evil

Top view of the Hovercraft

Front guns

The cockpit

Control panels

Guards of the cockpit

Side gunner

Another top view

The jail.... with Chuck Norris as the prisoner

Back gunner

The back view

The other back gunner

Another view of the jail... you can also see the turret

Another side gunner

The turret can tip up/down

Another top view with all the lego men gone

Chuck Norris escaped.....

..... and killed them all!!

The red nuclear powered ammo

Just a few pics of the lego army......







........... and Chuck Norris

The weapons used by the army

My MW2 Juggernaut....
Keep checkin back @ T's Creations

Monday 26 March 2012

Tropical Paradise

Top view - you can see the tower, beach & ocean

View of the ocean, you can see the waves

View of the beach and the giant spider web

Treasure chest of crystals by the tower

Inside the wall you can see two dogs, fruit basket & some of the stairs

The castaway... but he loves being a castaway.... AAHHH Paradise!

Inside the tower

Snakes on the top of the tower

Side view

The water dispenser... not salt water

Front left view

Bucket & barrel for supplies, plus a sword & soccer ball

A big mother of a spider!!!....

......... Beautiful topical paradise.........

If you didn't like the lego... don't settle it like this...
Keep checkin back @ T's Creations

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Desert Fortress

Front view

Tuskan Raider (lego starwars)

Top view

Catapult, ready...

... aim ...

... FIRE!! ...

The Tuskan Raiders spare weapon

The Fan

Once turned on it creates sandstorms to keep the enemy away

What's left of some intruders!!!

I'll be posting videos soon as well.....
Keep checkin back @ T's Creations